Published on July 26, 2003 By EventHorizon In WinCustomize Talk
I was reading a thread that requested a wallpaper with a 'Ship in a bottle". As the reminded me of A_67's 'Bottled Voyage', I did a search through the walls but came up with nothing. I then found his SN in the commenst of one of my walls and clicked it and View Authors Skins...Theres nothing there... Am I missing something? Has there been an error? Or has he left?
Comments (Page 11)
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on Jul 29, 2003
Geeeez! even in blues songs they only repeat things twice Keila.
on Jul 29, 2003
After seeing the posts of Diane (goodmorphing) I said to myself, enough is enough.

When people are convinced about their right (as opposed to wrong) then nothing will change.

There is an underground war going on for nearly two years now at the MB and now it even spreads to DA.

If you are interested in my point of view about it then read Adni18's .
on Jul 29, 2003
Lusciousbeast, thank you for that comment. I too have found inspiration in the work of many artists here, amoung them, You. Thank you also for the interest and the suggestion for my webpage. At the moment its an unfinished proyect, its not even registered. I created it for the sole purpose of posting the designs that were not passing moderation here at WC. But If I decide to expand it, I will surely keep your proposition in mind.
on Jul 29, 2003
AP67 - I am impressed with your level headedness. Perhaps I misjudged you (I hope that is the case).
on Jul 30, 2003

Brad, if you read carefully on all the posts I have ever made in WC, you will find that none of them carry out any type of offensive content. Also they have never been made with the intention of creating any type of feud or ignite any 'war of words' My posts have only been an extension of my concern for any given issue that I perceive. Maybe the object or purpose of any of my posts have been lost in the sea of bad remarks and/or mockery of others, so a misjudgment it’s usually the outcome when all this ingredients come into play.
The respect that I have given to every artist and user in this site is the same respect I have gotten back in the many of emails and comments that I've got since I joined this site. And for those who chose to judge me before taking the time to know me, I do nothing but turn a deaf ear.
on Jul 30, 2003

A67...I have been kinda soaked up in this soo called soap opera and I watched how you have been tossed around in this melodrama.
You've been a class act on how you handled the situation on your end

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on Jul 30, 2003

Elvee, indeed this has been a very difficult debate and the issues in discussion are open to many type of reactions. I have posted my concerns and I stand 100% behind every word I type. I can’t speak for others for I do not control their emotions. Each person has a voice and they use it as they feel necessary. I share the view and understand the motives for what my friends have expressed, but my comments are mine alone as are theirs.
It is in every human's nature to express or react to any given situation, sometimes we get overwhelmed and frustrated when we try to get a point across and it’s not taken under consideration or it’s under minded, so frustration turns into ire and it escalates from there. And in the end, not only was the issue in debate not solved, but now you have all type of resents to deal with.
Again, this is just my opinion.
on Jul 30, 2003
I hope differences can be put aside and some sort of solution can be found. I am in the middle with it all, I agree on some of your points and also i agree with some of what Brad says, Lady A, GA and yourself are very talented artists. Hopefully when all this blows over and a middle gound has been sought, everyone can get back to having fun again

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on Jul 30, 2003
Oh! Now I get it. We are supposed to have fun here! That explains everything.
on Jul 30, 2003
I myself am so happy to see this all slowly end but on a happier note.

Apocalypse_67 , well just
on Jul 30, 2003
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