Published on July 26, 2003 By EventHorizon In WinCustomize Talk
I was reading a thread that requested a wallpaper with a 'Ship in a bottle". As the reminded me of A_67's 'Bottled Voyage', I did a search through the walls but came up with nothing. I then found his SN in the commenst of one of my walls and clicked it and View Authors Skins...Theres nothing there... Am I missing something? Has there been an error? Or has he left?
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on Jul 28, 2003
I was reading some of GA, AP67 & LA comments to eachother over at DA.

Seems that Lady A has a pet name for you, FrogButt
on Jul 28, 2003
Seems that Lady A has a pet name for you, FrogButt

ah-oh.....time for a new icon

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on Jul 28, 2003
It's not just the attack one is currently faced with. The hurt incurred from getting attacked like that is cumulative, I think. It builds up over time. And this disrespect for the moderators and the community at large is recurrent. It is human nature to reach a point where you say 'no more, not this time'. It gets into a round-robin (is that the word?) --disrespect caused the reaction, the reaction fueled disrespect which inflamed more reaction.... and so it goes. Communicating through a message board one has to be aware of the power of trends. That is why, when a flame war starts, it is better to avoid them entirely. Because when the war is long gone, the burn-out drags on and on and on and carries over onto other things.

Another thing I have noticed is that it gets easier to respond, or attack like that the more often you do it. At least that has been my experience. I have sometimes gone away thinking ... who was that just talking just now? Was that really me? It isn't worth it.

That's just my opinion.
[Message Edited]
on Jul 28, 2003
Good point GM.
on Jul 28, 2003
"Seems that Lady A has a pet name for you, FrogButt"

China..........Does that not just say everything.......rather childish and immature.......just like the "i'm not playing anymore and i am taking my ball home as well" attitude.
on Jul 28, 2003

Indeed. It's that kind of hypocricy that put so many people against her.

Her and Green Armani are posting some pretty vile things about us and me in particular on dA. But amazingly, in the middle of their insults, they will damn us for not showing proper "respect" to "artists". Apparently, respect is a one way street.  Even after all her behavior or the nasty accusations by GA, I, nor have others, resorted to calling them names.

It's always kind of funny to see pepole who truly believe they are the "nice people" in a debate resort to insults and name calling.


on Jul 28, 2003
It's always kind of funny to see pepole who truly believe they are the "nice people" in a debate resort to insults and name calling.

The funny thing is they don't even realize that name calling strips them of all credibility in a debate.
on Jul 28, 2003
Frogbutt?...hmmmm....I kinda like it.
on Jul 28, 2003

It'd be a bit 'sad' if their voicing of displeasure while over at Devart resulted in a 'policy violation' as they call it there....

I guess that would be a bit cruel....

Poetic, but cruel....

on Jul 28, 2003
Um, aren't just about all of the mods here at WC skinners also? ("Skinners" is a term frequently used by people who seem to be generally less full of themselves as those who rather self-consciously refer to themselves as "artists" as if every swirly or glassy thingamabob is the equivalent [or better] of the Sistine Chapel).

I guess skinners who are also mods (or even---gasp---Admins) are just those everyday mundane folk who should be used to be taking the knocks and criticisms as they toil at their plebian labors. Where's my wall? I submitted something yesterday, why isn't it available for view and download by now? What evil mod screwed my download count? What evil mod screwed my ratings? That sort of thing. This attitude toward the mods/Admins reminds me of people who figure that people working in retail evidently can't get better jobs so it's ok to treat them like they're crap, regarding them as draft horses only fit to labor for the benefit of the more refined sort of folks, their "customers" i.e., "artists."

Or perhaps "artistes" is better used to signify those with such superior sensibilities/sensitivities who evidently believe this particular "specialness" allows them to behave however they wish and say whatever they want to without being subject to the same treatment or responses that would be directed to the mere mortals (i.e., the "not artiste" site members aka the unworthy knuckle draggers). Armed with presumably some sort of Nietzschean sense of superiority and entitlement they can behave badly, spout twaddle, insult others and then when someone calls them on it, here it goes, "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"

Really, I would say we're all adults here, but clearly not. Some of the youngsters (teens)
show far more sense and maturity than some of the so-called mature adults. (Who evidently are gathered even now at their club house throwing taunts and talking “stuff” at their "rivals." That story was best done so long ago that it's real old hat although the updating and musical score by Leonard Bernstein is a classic. )

I've often previously thought that all this heavy emoting about "sensitive artists having their feelings hurt" is just a BS cover for unmitigated solipsism, self absorption, a lack of a sense of proportionality and perspective (a rather curious failing in an "artist" I would think) and a blatant disregard for others' feelings and sensibilities.

Oh, but that’s right: no mods and admins here are “artists,” just skinners (aka the not-hired help).

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on Jul 28, 2003
Oh, bugger!!!....sig101 has foced me to get out the 'bible'......'solipsism'.....ah and a great word it is, too...Spell checkerSpell checkerSpell checker
on Jul 28, 2003
Oh, botheration....he didn't 'foce' me...he 'forced' me...I hate that....> Spell checker
on Jul 28, 2003
This attitude toward the mods/Admins reminds me of people who figure that people working in retail evidently can't get better jobs so it's ok to treat them like they're crap, regarding them as draft horses only fit to labor for the benefit of the more refined sort of folks, their "customers" i.e., "artists."

As someone who currently works in retail (in a bookstore) as my main source of income, I can really relate to this. I have a BSc in Software Engineering and several years experience as a graphic designer, and yet a large percentage of customers talk down to me like I'm some kind of retarded freak whose only talent is on a checkout. What they fail to realise is that I'm there out of choice, because I enjoy what I do, not because it's all I can do.

I agree that it's a similar situation here. There are people who believe that the admins/moderators are talentless drones who are here purely to shower them with praise and meet their every demand. They don't realise that the very people they are attacking are just like them, with the same ideas and ideals. It's all about compromise, and being willing to put yourself in the shoes of the other person for a while.
on Jul 28, 2003
#132 by Jafo - 7/28/2003 4:41:00 PM Oh, botheration....he didn't 'foce' me...he 'forced' me...I hate that....

Double penalty buzzer on that one......I believe Deb is a 'she'

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on Jul 28, 2003
Oh....dash, darn and drat.....this is what you get when you try to comment 'PC'....[Pre Coffee]....
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