Published on July 26, 2003 By EventHorizon In WinCustomize Talk
I was reading a thread that requested a wallpaper with a 'Ship in a bottle". As the reminded me of A_67's 'Bottled Voyage', I did a search through the walls but came up with nothing. I then found his SN in the commenst of one of my walls and clicked it and View Authors Skins...Theres nothing there... Am I missing something? Has there been an error? Or has he left?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 27, 2003
Ohhhhh please.........if you need to have someone tell you that your work is worthy and it made it, then you have more serious issues then can be explained here. DA is good because it has extremely good artists in "all" mediums...........the moderators on that site are fellow artists who actually comment good and bad and that is the beauty of it.

Whatever convoluted idea you have of DA is probably skewed because you haven't given it a try and just heard about it from somebody....or have you?

Perfect example.............myself, I was fairly popular here at WC making walls getting them submitted, a few got moderatored (more like several), and it didn't bother me because that was the name of the game on WC. I left because of the poor treatment of people by this site. I suppose those of you who like it here are either blind, stupid, or could care less for those that had a "complaint" as you say we do. So in summary.........I left not because I was getting moderated or that I wasn't good, but rather because there is no sense of community, family, mentorship, etc........
on Jul 27, 2003

Community is what you make it. Nothing is 'made' without 'effort'.

One either has a commitment, or one leaves.  It's the great advantage of the freedom of choice, of free thought and opinion...

on Jul 27, 2003
#9 by Scribe Fuzzy Logic - 7/27/2003 2:32:44 AM Wallpaper artists are ten a penny.

This is exactly the attitute and response that have many artists unhappy in WC and perhaps the reason why many are taken for granted. One would think that staff members and management would be more polite and professional about the way they go about dealing with controvelsial issues, but I guess it is not the case here at WC.
I have to tip my hat off to some staff members. Some of them have really done an exellent job on moderating and dealing with this type of issues with out the rudeness and sarcasm that often gets displayed.

Leave this place to the skinners - that's why the site is here.

And perhaps this quote should be added to the site's banner and to the rules to become a member/subscriber of WC

This is a great site, I became a member because of all the things it offers. It's just too sad that some of the people in charge of running it are doing such a poor job.
on Jul 27, 2003
Community is what you make it. Nothing is 'made' without 'effort'.One either has a commitment, or one leaves. It's the great advantage of the freedom of choice, of free thought and opinion

Kona will never leave. I can not stand DA and never wil. I like it here alot better.
on Jul 27, 2003
The only thing childish here is people packing their bags just because their work isn't good enough to pass moderation. Go run to DA where there's no moderation. Don't accept the challenge of improving your work to pass moderation. Do run home to momma everytime someone says something you don't like.

Just accept what you are is all you'll ever be...
on Jul 27, 2003
Wallpaper artists are ten a penny. I'm not going to miss any of you. I'm getting sick of this constant whinging Leave this place to the skinners - that's why the site is here.Just go...

It's DONE...We are leaving...slowly but we are! No worries. I'm sure soon enough more will leave as well!
#10 by Sir Green Armani - 7/27/2003 2:42:54 AM Wow....this illogical nonsense coming from someone whose name would best describe their "opinion"

#12 by c242 - 7/27/2003 4:28:40 AM #6 by Sir Green Armani - 7/26/2003 3:33:05 PM All hail Deviant Art Great community.........great artists..............great friends............NO MODERATORS!!!!!It is a great site, too. But You will notice soon enough that not everything is just milk and honey there (as in all big communities). Believe it or not, it has far more jerks (no, not jarks ) than are here

Nothing is perfect, no where is perfect. However, I personally have been there a while now. And I must say, at first I was scared to death of that place being all that I'd heard. HOWEVER as things began to change here,I began to give that place more of a chance. And I"m sorry you are VERY WRONG! The moderation is only a MORSEL of the problems here. At DA basically sink or swim. If you're good enough you will get recognized, if you're not you won't that's reality. What makes it so great for so many of us, those who haven't found 'community' here have CREATED one there. As we ALL wanted that. NO BULL, NO POLITICS, We are NOT competing against one another,we encourage, support and desire to see our fellow friends/artists there thrive. My dear friend Nikos said it best in a note on page about the wonderful display of community that we've shown and created in our circle. Another dear man, Green Armani,always willing to lend a hand, teach what he knows unselfishly! and so much more, we support each other. BS NEVER EVER comes into Play! Not once! (Yeah Jark has his moments ) The beauty...DA's size! It's darn big enough that if there is crap it's never found it's way to me. Skins? Plenty of 'em! Any form,genre of art you could ask for! What MORE could you want, all the art you like, you are respected, not spoken down to or treated, blessed friends! So forgive me if I think you aren't quite right about your view of DA! The fact is most don't hang around long enough to find the and CREATE 'their' community. I"m glad I did! Because I thought, hoped, and wished it was here and found the COMPLETE opposite!

#14 by c242 - 7/27/2003 4:45:20 AM Would threads like this that arise every day still be here if people wouldn't be allowed to express their opinion ? I think not...
And 90 % of the time they are spoken to and treated as they are dimwits and dismissed. Laughed at, poked at, mocked and made the joke of the day. Oh yeah, thats community!

on Jul 27, 2003
#20 by Scribe Fuzzy Logic - 7/27/2003 10:43:33 AM The only thing childish here is people packing their bags just because their work isn't good enough to pass moderation. Go run to DA where there's no moderation. Don't accept the challenge of improving your work to pass moderation. Do run home to momma everytime someone says something you don't like.Just accept what you are is all you'll ever be...

You're statement only validates out belief! You DON'T LISTEN! We're not merely talking about moderation. Again, I say it's only a MORSEL! We're cowards because we choose to be treated like human beings? We're childish because we say no more! No more condescending CRAP! No more BULL! No more political crap! That's ridiculous! You see it everyday here, if you insist on staying stuck on the moderation aspect and won't listen to anything else, fine lets go there. And I won't mention names, however I've seen things 'accepted' that were AWFUL, however coincidentally this very same person happens to be the latest suck up and teachers bobbyboo created something quite good gets rejected ahhhh but he ain't doin' enough suckin' up to the 'community'! I know I'm not the only one noticing that! And FYI NO I Have NOT had anything rejected in the last couple of weeks and that's why I'm on this tangent...I haven't even submitted anything since It's a Mystery. So don't say I'm pissed because my last submission was rejected.

And EVERYTIME I open my proggies I "ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE" that I propose to MYSELF to do better and evolve and bust my butt to improve and progress. Being rejected or approved doesn't give me that challenge. I .... Lady Akasha.... TONJA give myself that challenge!
on Jul 27, 2003
Let me make this clear, I wasn't talking about any 'one' person in that last thread! It was a scenario I created from things I've witnessed,and comments I've heard about the way other's have felt at times as well. So no one go trying to 'guess'who that ONE is. There is no just one.
on Jul 27, 2003
Sorry to see your stuff go A_67. Oh well, you must've had a good reason, and knowing that is good enough for me. I didnt mean to turn this into a debate, although, thats what it seems to have become.

Personally, I like WC better than DA, but that just me. If you like them vice-versa, than that's personal prefrence. ("To each, his own" and all that) I think WC has enough 'community' to keep me from leaving...and I do like the fact that there are mods here. They make you try harder to create something better. Whereas, if you didnt have them, ppl would always get their Wall or WB or other skin accepted on the first try (possibly with many bugs or it being just plain crap)and then move on to something else. It makes for higher quality instead of higher quantity. I think that there are far too many people who whine and complain like little kids, "Why wasnt my ___ (Fill in the blank) accepted???" To them, pipe down and try harder. Of course, you may feel that you made a truly remarkable wall or skin... and it got rejected. That can be frustrating and also is one of the weaknesses of moderation...Acceptance is based on the opinion of a few. If they dont like it, then forget it. BUT, they seen have done a fairly good job of keeping the -uh- 'not so good' stuff out. (IMHO with a few exceptions) So, if it's been rejected, then either its 'not so good' or, they are having a bad day. Possibly email them and get a response as to why your ___ wasnt accepted.
on Jul 27, 2003
#20 by Scribe Fuzzy Logic - 7/27/2003 10:43:33 AM The only thing childish here is people packing their bags just because their work isn't good enough to pass moderation.

Actually my work is more than good to pass moderation. 300.000 plus downloads in less than 4 months proved that.

Go run to DA where there's no moderation. Don't accept the challenge of improving your work to pass moderation.

I have seen the challenge, I have accepted it, I have confronted it and I have overcome it. Simply because those are the skills that I have been endowed with. Going from a regular wallpaper designer to skinning WB and Winamp [and experimenting with icons] gives me such confidence.

Do run home to momma every time someone says something you don't like.

The only place I run back to is 'the drawing board' when ever I see or hear that my work could use some improvement.

I my self [and perhaps some of the other artist that left] didn’t remove my work because it was moderated or because someone said it was ugly or because it didn’t get accepted. I removed it for the type of treatment and comments just like the one you just typed.
I have never let any negative comments bother me. I know how to accept criticism, if I couldn’t deal with critics, then I’m not fit to be an artist.
What I will not deal with is the rudeness and unfair treatment from people that just because they hold a little position of 'power' think they can do and say as they please.
on Jul 27, 2003

We're planning to stop moderating walls, just use the ratings system to filter them, precisely because of threads like this.  Will it make everyone feel better? I doubt it but we're willing to try.

I'd like to ask a question of everyone in this thread and the other one that's so similar...

What would you recommend to fix the problems you see?
please be specific in what the problem is and what you think would solve it

on Jul 27, 2003
YEAH!!! Stop moderating the walls rulez! Men, you don't know how much I am looking forward to dolphins and silver spherez!! WOHOOOOO!!
on Jul 27, 2003
Damn, forgot britney ofcourse!!
on Jul 27, 2003
Be careful what you say about Britney!
on Jul 27, 2003

The submission rules would still be in place so no Britney's - sorry

This is a concern though. We don't want to just shift the angst to those who appreciate moderation.

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