Published on July 26, 2003 By EventHorizon In WinCustomize Talk
I was reading a thread that requested a wallpaper with a 'Ship in a bottle". As the reminded me of A_67's 'Bottled Voyage', I did a search through the walls but came up with nothing. I then found his SN in the commenst of one of my walls and clicked it and View Authors Skins...Theres nothing there... Am I missing something? Has there been an error? Or has he left?
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 27, 2003
The problems expressed in this and the other thread aren't just moderation or ratings. I would like to see the people that are really complaining offer a simple statement of the problem and their solution.
on Jul 27, 2003
I doubt if removing moderation is going to solve anything. People have convinced themselves there's some kind of conspiracy going on. Whatever. All I know is I come here for some relaxation and all I see day in day out is these kind of threads. If it wears me out you can imagine what it does for the Admins.

Pity people can't channel all this energy into creating rather than destroying and leave the rest of the universe to take care of itself.
on Jul 27, 2003
And finaly I can upload 'still trapped in bryce world' witch I ripped from jafo

No, for serious, please keep the moderation in place. The wallpaper section already isn't the best section, and it would become MUCH worse. There are 1000 of wallpaper artist so I think the section just would be flooded...

Try to make both of us happy and moderate it just not so hard.
on Jul 27, 2003
Some people were here and found that the community here didn't exactly fit their points-of-view. There were arguments, and name calling back and forth with people who do love this place and defended it and then the people left to a new wonder-world that they claim makes them happy. There they created their own little community and claim that it is bliss. Now they come back from Wonderworld angry and digging up arguments and calling us names (I think in post #16 I got called stupid among other things). Arguments are never pretty, the abuse came from both sides and still does. They claim to have found paradise there and I am glad for them. No community can be all things to all people. I have outgrown certain communities and moved on. I didn't lay all the blame on the community for not marching to my drum, nor did I ever go about bashing the old community. Neither did I go back to it on the attack. I moved on and built the next phase of my life.

Whatever changes happen, please don't let it be the loud, strident, my-way-or-no-way voices that rule the day.
on Jul 27, 2003
People aren't happy with moderation, they aren't happy with rating, not happy with download counts etc etc. No-one ever comes up with a solution, only a problem. Some people aren't going to be happy no matter what you do. They are the ones with the problem, unfortunately, we have to put up with it too.

So, ok, here's a simple suggestion for wallpapers for you to shoot down. How about having them completely un-moderated but with a limited life? Say, a wall gets 1000 downloads in a month or it's zapped. That way the walls which are most appreciated by the people who use them remain on the site and the rest get binned. Assuming people trust the download count
on Jul 27, 2003
The first reason why I left DA once was NO MODERATION. I am there again because of friends whose submissions I will miss otherwise and the problem I had with a submission and it's submitter was solved at the end. If You look closer at my profile , You will see a 'Policy Violation' dated September, 2002 there. That was the result of a heavy discussion. I am not angry anymore, because I was very harsh (as a german I feel kind of sick of someone that uses Nazi symbols) about that 'Freedom of Speech' for every price that is practiced at DA. But I can't bash the whole community and all moderators/admins there for it. Took some time to realize that...
on Jul 27, 2003
No rules had a good suggestion.Letting people moderate themselves by giving every user level a set # of walls they can post.Then they could rotate their own stock.(say 10 -20 for citizen,30 or so for apprentice,and so get the idea) OR...go with a logged on user dl count to determine if something stays.Everything would get a chance but if no one dl'ed it ,out it would go.The ratings system is too easily abused and you would end up with a new group of unhappy campers. (just to be fair I would enact the new rules to all existing walls as well as new)
on Jul 27, 2003
Fuzzy : It's a good idea, but we will see the next wave of moanings here then, just because people didn't read (this is a problem that still arrises quite often here) the policy and therefore are totally unaware of it. I just have to look at the board... How many people have realized that we have three sections now ? 15 percent ?
on Jul 27, 2003
That crack about wall artist being "ten a penny" was way out of line.Artist the quality of Apoc. and Akasha should be highly valued.Think back to the very first thing you ever changed about windows and i'll bet it was the desktop background.To think that walls are not an important part of skinning is just silly.Ever used a really great skin with out some kind of matching wall?Just not right.
on Jul 27, 2003
I remember that wall from DA and the discussion which followed. That's just the kind of problem zero moderation causes. It wouldn't happen here because we would still have Admins checking submissions for inappropriate material.

It's a sad fact most people never read anything...
on Jul 27, 2003
these fly by night primadonas come and go like the seasons. i had never heard of apocolypse67 and his userid is 513520 which shows he couldn't have been around very long. same with the other one the lady ashaka or whatever.
on Jul 27, 2003
on Jul 27, 2003
41 by Developer JayG - 7/27/2003 1:39:28 PM
these fly by night primadonas come and go like the seasons. i had never heard of apocolypse67 and his userid is 513520 which shows he couldn't have been around very long
You're right Jay,AP_67 has not been here very long but has experience on what he does and all the downloads prove this....Now i have a question for you since i've notice you have NOTHING TO SHOW...WHERE IS YOUR TALENT?? I think you fit a little to tight on this sub...ty
on Jul 27, 2003
#41 by Developer JayG - 7/27/2003 1:39:28 PM these fly by night primadonas come and go like the seasons. i had never heard of apocolypse67 and his userid is 513520 which shows he couldn't have been around very long.

You never heard of the Great Apocalypse_67 JayG???
You must had been in suspended animation somewhere for the past 5 months.
Now I know Im not Treetog, Frogboy or Pixstudio. And I dont own a 6 figure a year website and I probably wont ever get my name on the top artists list of any known site. But I'll tell you something, people will know me more than they will ever know you.
Now maybe that little 'journeyman' lable next to your nickname gives you some kind of special treatment here or maybe it boost up your ego, I really dont know and it really it's none of my concern. But when reffering to me, do it with knowledge of what you are saying, or just simply keep it to your self.

on Jul 27, 2003
Very well Said..AND that is MR Apocalypse_67
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